company called Marware develops a special window for the iPod nano. It looks like a wallet, natural leather and filled with compartments for cash, credit cards and ID cards, even. But when you look closer Wallet Wallet for iPod Nano CEO has a special slot in the bottom right of where the equipment to take with round holes. Can also charge your iPod while still in the portfolio: There is a hole in the bottom of the trench in which the iPod can be connected to a power
2. Belts and bicycle Boxer
An elegant way to show everyone your iPod so you can use. Jogging, for example, can buy a bracelet or a practice that clip as an MP3 player during the race. Some of the facilities, but bring your iPod goes even further. A company, aptly named tune buckle, sell canvas belts are designed to carry your iPod nano
3. iPod nano thong.
2. Belts and bicycle Boxer
An elegant way to show everyone your iPod so you can use. Jogging, for example, can buy a bracelet or a practice that clip as an MP3 player during the race. Some of the facilities, but bring your iPod goes even further. A company, aptly named tune buckle, sell canvas belts are designed to carry your iPod nano
3. iPod nano thong.
4. iSticky Path.
IPod, Accessories made with a guide in mind. Not only the nature of the iPod, with storage for music, gear, playlists, adapted to the road, but the devices of the car, such as lighters are handy for charging the iPod. Cup holders are the perfect size to the iPod to keep bouncing around and take a lot of damage
5. IPod Gloves.
5. IPod Gloves.
When it is cold outside, but you still need to work or class, bring an iPod and listening to music can be a double-edged sword. On one side of the headset can act as a great ear friendly, warm, which also happens to act as rapporteur, on the other hand, gloves keep hands warm to wear, so it is very difficult to handle, iPod Click Wheel. This is because the technology behind the touch-sensitive click wheel, which means that it depends on electricity from his hands to say the system plays the next song.Most gloves are made of materials that prevent electricity, making it difficult to choose the music continuously for disposal.
6. IPod Boom Box bag and combinations.
6. IPod Boom Box bag and combinations.
with the retro chic geek today is not surprising that his tongue in cheek. Different arm plastic box built on an iPod or FM radio to perform is now available in a variety of developers. Many are designed as a bag of a woman, and imitated the design of portable stereo speakers and buttons. Some have the iPod and has a hole for the headphones, while the other speakers integrated into the work material and play what you want.
If you do not strut your stuff on the beach, relax iPod accessory designed the complex may be useful later on for you, especially on a Sunday lie-in
7. Pause - iPod compatible bed
If you do not strut your stuff on the beach, relax iPod accessory designed the complex may be useful later on for you, especially on a Sunday lie-in
7. Pause - iPod compatible bed
People in Design Model, manufacturer of accessories for bed, furniture, clothing and others, when they come up with a break, probably the world's largest iPod. Although it seems that all modern room units that can be found in places like IKEA, the headboard that extends to form a table beside the bed, and the section on the right is a dock designed for the iPod. The iPod can play music through two Bose speakers, while in bed to rest or to perform if they do not play. Pause for sale in Australia, but people outside Australia and New Zealand can still ask if you want a bed next to her iPod during the eight solid hours of sleep
8. iPod Dock phonograph
8. iPod Dock phonograph
In 2006, the designer Tristan Zimmerman for Science and the children of the group decided to design with advanced and emerging Phone old Phone, an iPod docking station and speakers in the form of an old phonograph. And no - I do not use external power or batteries Phone Phone. Listeners just plug in your iPod ear buds in two small ships, and the improvement of acoustic horns. Sonar only a small reaching 55 decibels. This is the same level of performance of a speaker in a laptop, but for the price of the new $ 500 is a stylish, hard ceramic that mimics the iPod may seem strange sort of ideal for the office or room to sleep
9. Bulletproof iPod Case
9. Bulletproof iPod Case
A traumatic event in the life of iPod users can, if dropped on a hard surface like concrete, destroying parts of the investment of $ 300. What's worse than caught in the crossfire, but a stray bullet through the iPod and cause more damage.
Fortunately, Japanese iPod owners take care of situations. Despite rumors that the owners never really known recording while listening to music, model trains taken by many people and much damage to your iPod. This led him to a shocking case, aluminum MP3 player, which is supposed to be strong enough to stop 22-caliber bullets to develop. If the case was actually the architect involved in a shooting, the iPod cannot be fully protected - as it offers openings in the screen and click wheel. This case also weighs about one pound (450 grams), which is almost 2.5 times the weight of an iPod without a case
10. IPod toilet roll I cart.
Fortunately, Japanese iPod owners take care of situations. Despite rumors that the owners never really known recording while listening to music, model trains taken by many people and much damage to your iPod. This led him to a shocking case, aluminum MP3 player, which is supposed to be strong enough to stop 22-caliber bullets to develop. If the case was actually the architect involved in a shooting, the iPod cannot be fully protected - as it offers openings in the screen and click wheel. This case also weighs about one pound (450 grams), which is almost 2.5 times the weight of an iPod without a case
10. IPod toilet roll I cart.
トリーバーチ バッグのデザインが優れている、モダンでクラシック感たっぷりです、だから女性から熱い支持を受けるているだろ。これほど完璧なバッグは見た事ないです、お出かけにもピッタリ、どんな服装でも組み合わせ易い、もう長時間女性を待たなくても大丈夫。tory burchを一つ買って彼女に贈ろう、きっと大喜び、これは仲直りの手段として最適、口下手の男達の福音です。
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